Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday words of my own

Today, in a completely narcissistic way, my Wednesday words are my own.

This morning I logged into Goodreads.  I don't usually.  I wasn't aware I had an account, but I was looking for a quote about something which I have now forgotten, and the goodreads quotes came up so I clicked there and low and behold it logged me in via facebook.

As I say, I wasn't aware I had an account!

I do.  And I have 3 bookshelves of reading, read and favourites.

They were all entered in January 2010, at the very end of the month.  I looked back at this blog to see what I was doing then.  January was a long month.

I was starting my first new year without Rich.  I was saying "Last year" for when he was killed.  I hadn't met J properly although we'd gone bowling with the armourers in December.  I was chatting to AB who had expressed his intentions and who's intentions I had politely declined.  I wasn't ready.  I had norovirus on my birthday. (yeah, proper grim norovirus! The school shut and everything!) I knew all of this.

I didn't know I'd been to BETT10 with my brother.
I didn't know I'd gone to my sister's for the annual post Christmas get together.
I didn't know that the AC was being offered play therapy by the local children's pysch unit.
I didn't know that the AC was the centre of my world in quite the way he was.
I didn't know that was when the new head teacher started at school.

I should know these things, shouldn't I?  They shouldn't have just dropped out of my mind. But I read them like something new. Like reading someone elses blog.

The idea that I should look at it as someone elses blog opened my eyes.
I didn't know that I could be so eloquent in grief. (though I probably says it as shouldn't)
I didn't know my own words, looked at just over 4 years later, could reduce me to tears on a Wednesday morning.
I didn't realise how much I loved, and needed and missed Rich.  I still don't know how I got through that.

Today?  Today is J's birthday, today is the day after all of the parents evenings although I still have 4 parents to see who couldn't make it to the 5 hours of parents evenings we had available.  I have overtired children in class, an overtired child of my own upstairs, and presents still to wrap for J.

I am a terrible fiancĂ©e and mother lol, but reading through that month, I am a bit prouder of myself today.  I didn't take the easy options, I took the right ones.

My own words, for Wednesday, have bolstered me up.  Hurrah!

The usual Wednesday linky is here.  Check out other Wednesday word people!

Crazy With Twins