.... the man is asleep upstairs.
The trip to the forest was marvellous with my very well behaved, gorgeously mannered and happy class. They were exceptional. I loves them I does, and I shall be sad to see them go in 2 weeks time.
2 weeks til holidays! YAY!
We walked, we ate, we played, we looked for things, we just got on with being a big-family class, which is what we are. Whatever we do, we do it together, and we do it as much as we can. I like that.
On the way home we came past the house, and R was home! I was incredibly pleased, he picked me up from school as an extra surprise, and we came straight home.
Later we had chinese, and cuddled up to watch Micheal McIntyre on DVD, then Live at the Apollo, some Tennis (never mind Mr Murray!) and then to bed.
He phoned BG, because he wanted to phone her as soon as he could, but at a good time for her. The She-Ex didn't speak to him, but that's ok. Sometimes it's better that way. She's back to being really nice again, after the abusiveness of the last few days, but still with no apology. R and I will talk about it later, as well as the education stuff.
But today is for recovering, for sleeping, for sewing, (I want to get some light blue, dark blue and silver grey for a quilt top for a lovely lady at school but we need to be a little tight with cash really :-( ) and reading and just being together.
Physically, yesterday has slightly screwed me over, but I'll get over it. I'm very achy and tingly. Weird.
So. Cat's box and cup of tea with the TES, and then relax after a very busy week!