Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I made pie.

Proper old fashioned tea - chicken bacon mushroom pie, with mash and peas and sweetcorn.

There's two pieces left over for the boys for lunch.

I made the pastry, the filling, the lot. It's a while since I made a pie, and I must do it more often. I've forgotten my proportions, so there was only pastry for the top, but J was fine with that, and AC was finer because he's not that fond of pastry!

In other news........

.... I had to go to town and do something solicitory, and I saw this little notebook and treated myself to it. It's now for noting my thankyous.

....complete with appallingly bad drawings, which I love doing. I like SARK and people like that. I just don't keep pens where I know where they are lol!

Anyway, must get on, beef and tomato and pearl barley casserole for tea after flying, and biscuits to make this morning as well.

It's all go!

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