If this is BHM, then next week is Last Day of Holiday, and Tuesday is Back to School for me, Thursday is Starting High School for the AC.
It's end of summer.
We've had a great summer. We've done some stuff to help raise money for Scotty's, we've been away for a week at the Blackpool Scotty lodge, we've been to a couple of festivals, we've had a laugh, we've repaired bits of the van, we've camped randomly, we've seen friends we haven't seen in ages, we've chilled on the sofa, we've watched some tv and played some games together.
It's been a busy, enjoyable, fun-filled 5 weeks.
And it's over.
But I get to this week and I start to think seriously about work (rather than the odd hour here and there) and I want to be going back. I want the routine and the organisation back!
I am a creature of habit. My cats are creatures of habit - they will come and get me if I'm not up by 5:30am (even in the holidays...) My son is a free flowing creature, but even he is always up by 6 and in bed by 9. J is a creature of habit, sliding into routine easily.
I think that's the thing. We slide in and out of different routines - school routine, home routine, camping routine. None of these are schedules though. There are timetables when I'm at school and I'm sure the AC will have a timetable, but the rest is routine. If it changes, it changes, it's no big deal.
I've got his kit ready for his new school. For the first time, he'll be at a place where I am not, and he'll be there day after day. We are both looking forward to, and nervous about, it. We are ready for him to have routines that are not governed by me, and for me to have time that is not all about him.
It's why this summer has been so important, why we've packed so much in before he goes to school and changes in a good way, grows up, taking his education and his school life seriously. He'll have homework and after school clubs and all that kind of thing to do. He'll have different friends, different socialising, jokes that I am not a part of.
It's the last days of summer, before my little boy starts to become a man, with all the new routines it will involve to get him there.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone so don't mock the spelling and I'll be back later to sort the layout!