Saturday, June 13, 2009

The day we needed

Today was the day that R and I needed.

We achieved a lot - house was cleaned through, cakes made, biscuits made, cornflake cakes made, washing done, drying done and so on.

More importantly, we carried on the good work of Friday by spending the day together, just us. No fussing, no going out, just us being us. We spent a lot of the day in bed, which is a good way of reconnecting any relationship. We need that. He needs it, I need it, thankfully we both like it! Love making is a vital part of who we are, individually, and together.

I napped for a while later on in the day.

Life is good.

Tomorrow is the party, is making things, is lots of other people. Today was our day.



Here is today's post.

Two letters from E.On, one saying they are going to up the direct debit, (I think not!) and one saying that they have been estimating my bill again.

I phoned and pointed out I had let two men into my house in April to meter read, and if they weren't meter readers then who were they, and if they were meter readers then where were the readings?

I am expecting a call back on Monday apparently. Ho hum.
This was not the exciting post.

Then I got this, which is the Landrover Owners magazine. This is the back of it as the address for the house is on the front.
This is an very good magazine, I enjoy it a lot, but was it the exciting post? Nope.

Then I got a parcel with a US postmark. $5.14 to send. Not much. Not a tremendously big parcel, but big enough to be a Fathers Day card and a few pictures.

However, it was not. The senders address was the wrong one. (although it's good to know the US postal service is working well!)

Was this the exciting post?

I snipped open the top.....
Pretty packaging! And YES! This WAS the exciting post!

I did try and open the package gently, but no luck - the tissue paper tore.

Lovely, labelled, reusable pads, from Essence of Eve, which I won in a giveaway from Semi-Organised Mom.

The bag lining is waterproof and poppers in and out, which is great as it can be washed. It also means that it won't look out of place in my usual bags which are now all hand made and bright and quilted and so on.

What a lovely start to the day!

Thankyou Semi-Organized Mom, Thankyou lovely lady from Essence of Eve, thankyou happy postman.

R and I have discussed how he thinks it's a slightly bizarre idea, but if it's what I want to do then he will support me 100%, as usual.

Life is good!

Dealing with emotions

After that post was written I found R had run me a bath, with bubbles and everything lol! I got in, and R came in and we chatted. He was concerned because I'd been fine, and then I wasn't. I talked to him, and we talked over how, basically, "knowing" what it was like there, and "seeing" what it was like there, were two different things. He grokked it in the end, to a fullness. He loves me, and so he wants to understand. I love him, and so I want to find the words he needs for me to be able to let him understand.

This time of year is difficult for any teacher and their family. End of term (5 weeks now!) means reports, broken routines, sports days, trips, new class lists, and to tie that in with a change in head teacher, the large amount of our teachers who are leaving and so on, means that life can be tricky. Add to the mix that yesterday the AC had his class assembly, his birthday party is tomorrow, (and I'm making his cake today (possibly 2) and the mix becomes even more interesting. Drop in the behaviours of the Ex's, and it's a wonder we find any time for ourselves.

But like I said yesterday, I am withdrawing to these four walls slightly. That meant last night I didn't work, I spent time with and on my man. I cared for him, he cared for me, we snuggled and cuddled and stuff, and reaffirmed our connection on the deeper level again. We know it's there, we rely on it, but sometimes it just needs reaffirming, in as many ways as possible.

And that's fun!


Moving on......