Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mmmmmmm! That time of the year again!

Mmmmmmmmmm.  Oh yes!

It's that time of the year again!  I splurged with the cheque that came in earlier in the week, and I hit Organised Mum with a vengance.

Oh yes.

I have a new diary, a new calendar, and a shopping list/menu maker fridge magnet thing.  Tonight, as a reward for finishing the literacy books, (assuming I do!) then I'll update everything that I can in the diaries. I am SO EXCITED!

I love the family life book diary.  It's great.  As a family we need, yes, NEED, the calendar up an on the wall, and then I copy it onto the week thing on the fridge so that we all know what's going on.  Loving it.

But right now I need to go and make roast chicken tea.
