Thursday, March 31, 2011

New attitude. New people?

I'm opening this blog up. Its always been public, because I'm not ashamed of what I think, and I'm not going to not say it just because it might offend someone.

But I'm putting this out there a little. British Mummy Bloggers is creating comment rings. I'm sat on my backside and can't do a lot. I can at least read other peoples blogs and comment on them. I'm reading the same blogs, and whilst I love them, I also want to read some new stuff.

I'm going to be linking to my new finds (or technically, the ones the lovely BMB lady linked me with.) and hopefully they will interest some of my readers too!

It's just time to reach out of my comfort zone a bit. You all know how that is.



I overdid things yesterday. I can't bend the leg now. I can't walk as far as the kitchen. This is going to be a long day. I've hit the ibruprophen already today. 400mg hasn't touched it. Winge. Moan. Wimper.

It's pathetic really! LOL!

I'm on the sofa, with a duvet, the jeans duvet, the table turned sideways with tea and Ginger biscuits, knitting to hand, iBooks on here, Kindle on here, cats on my feet and the day stretching out in front of me. There's no post though. Good or bad? LOL. Who knows.

But I've made a decision or three whilst I've been lying on the sofa.

And it's about more than cups of tea. However, I'm tired and doped now - they don't touch the pain but they mong my brain out.

I'll finish this later,