I woke up with Rich in my bed for the first time in several months. He had been away in the Hot and Sunny Lands, and he had come back.
He wasn't due back until several days time, and it was doubtful as to whether he would make it for Christmas at one point. But there was a space and he took it, sleeping on the floor in the airport to get back to us.
The AC got into bed, as he used to at 5 years old, and snuggled in. He hadn't noticed Rich was there. He reached out to hold my hand, and Rich put his hand in the way. I can still remember the look on my little boy's face when he realised, watching it dawn over his sleepy face, and then joyously rolling over to face Rich and jump all over him. Even after such a long journey, after very little sleep, after a difficult tour, Rich let him. In fact, Rich encouraged him.
It was beautiful.
I wonder why it matters this year?