Friday, April 17, 2009


R just woke me up.

I think it's bedtime.

R and BG are talking about when she was a baby. *sigh*

What a day!

The day started off so well.

I made bread. I pottered about. The Adorable Child wasn't awake and moving until 8.20. 8.20! I was on the verge of going up to check he was ok, but then he appeared downstairs and was in the best smiley mood I've seen him in for a week. It was wonderful.

Then R got up, and he and the AC played WoW for a few moments so that R could help the AC get to the level he needed to be to get his pet. He-Ex turned up, off he and the AC went, and I bimbled off to school to move the shed, set up the greenhouse and sort out my room.

Except that the people who had said they could help were having 50 fits because of the state of the rooms, so we decided that we would leave the shed and so forth, and sort out classrooms, but I couldn't do mine as the floor varnish was still wet. So I came home.

I came home to find that R was under the car, and cussing a little. He changed the shock absorber, and the car was more level, but still tilted. In a car like ours that means one of several things (self leveller has busted, the coil springs are gone, and so on) but all of them are expensive. We held crisis talks, and decided on a plan.

For those of you that know us personally, it's the same plan as usual. We looked on eBay and bought another vehicle after a tense wait. It's a good plan, it's worked before and we knew that there was a chance we would have to do this (the inner wheel arches on the Rangy were rotted and so we were ready. We had taken a mortgage holiday (so we didn't pay the mortgage this month) and so we had a finite amount of cash available. Less than we needed, we thought, but probably enough for something.

We are now the proud posessors of.....

......... and it pains me to say this almost......

a Chelsea Tractor!

All we need now is the labrador dog and we will be the epitome of middle class. (Except we aren't married, but we can gloss over that little thing!) The public sector jobs, the church notices, the governor thing, we are the joy of white collar Britain. Anyway....

We now have, the above vehicle. It's diesel, it's 2.2l, it's clean, tidy and apparently well behaved. And it's a manual, which R found entertaining in combination with the dieselness, although he had the hang of it by the end of the road. This vehicle is more or less everything that we need it to be, and above all it is PRACTICAL! This is not oversized, not ancient, not swanky, not in need of restoration, it just is.

And I think I love it.

Her. I think I love her.

We shall see what happens. but we've been and picked her up (my parents took us over on the way to somewhere else) and she rides well.

So I'm having a bath now.


And I need to get on.

I've held off gettinginthe shower for fear of waking the house up, but I do need to get on at some point.

I've updated the Church Website and I think it looks ok - can't work out how to edit the events I've already put in, but as the important one came up the way I wanted it's fine.

The bread is nearly done.

Ideally I need to clear the table before Caro and the girls get here, but if I don't, I don't! It's no biggy! Friends take you as you are (as long as it's hygenic lol!)

The sounds of my morning....


the hamster, moving things around in his tubes.
the fishtanks, burbling.
the cat, padding.
the boy, rustling.
the bread maker, mixing.
computer keys, tapping.
These are the sounds of my morning.


It's a day set for busy times.

9am - AC to his fathers.
9.30am - me to school to assist in moving of sheds and erecting of Greenhouses.
1200 - home
1400 - Caroline and children to here en route to holidays.

I have seen more people this week than I have in the month previous! And there are more to come as Andy is up this end of the world and talking about coming over to show me pictures of the boys.

It is so wonderful to be able to do this with no trust issues involved. The He-Ex banned me from speaking to men. What he didn't care to realise was that almost all my friends were men. I lost a lot of people that I loved and trusted. I made some wonderful female friend choices, and I made some ok friend choices, but I missed the men in my life. Now, I am being encouraged to get them back. To offer a sofa or a meal or whatever for them to come up and stay and meet the AC (which most haven't) and it's simply terrific.

I'll do a whole friends blog later. Right now, I'm just happy with everything. and about to try and update the church website, so we'll see how that goes.