It's hard to put a picture here. You can't take a picture of lies.
And I hate lies.
And liars.
But I can't put a picture on here of a liar, because that would be slander. Probably.....
Oh ignore me, I'm in a foul mood. My leg is sore from where it was poked by the consultant today, and I'm having an arthroscopy soon. Date to be received in the post. It's torn cartilage, as far as the registrar and the consultant were concerned. I can get an MRI, or go with what they say and just do it. So I'm doing it. Well, I'm not, the consultant is, but you get the idea.
Snack time i think. Cheese. Apple. Salt and vinegar crisps. Milk. Marmite on a bagel. Not all of them, those are just the options lol! I'm not that greedy or keen to be a heifer!
Laters my lovelies,
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