I've missed a couple of days last week, although there are half posts in creation there is nothing finished.
I don't like missing days. I like the feeling that this is something I have achieved, that some days, even if I feel I haven't achieved a lot else, I've managed to blog. Maybe that's another reason for blogging - self satisfaction!
I've taken part in the carnival at twobecomeone, and there are a load of lovely posts in there that I have skimmed the top of but haven't had time to read and comment on yet. I will do. Some time. Umm. When is tricky, but sometime I will! And sometime this week lol!
She also said some lovely things about my post, which made me........ made me feel like I had shared something special, and that it was worth it. I'm not expecting to get a lot of comments on the post. What do you say? What is there to say? I chose the heartache and acceptance post because I am ready for that part of our story to be out 'there'. I don't want anyone else to go through what we are going through. The only way to do that is to share that part of our story.
I'm going to do more about it as well.
But back to my busy times, (because then it's all about me people, and we know that I am the most important person in the world lol!)
This week has been hectic.
Monday - back to school
Tuesday - course.
Wednesday - PPA and Story cafe, flying.
Thursday - swimming and trying to catch up a week of work
Friday - Packing and going to L to see T-Boy.
We've also had the front room remodelled in this week and it's going to go on into next week.
Monday - parents evening
Tuesday - course, presentation, lesson observation, parents evening and new carpet being put down.
Wednesday - PPA.
Thursday - Lesson observation
Friday - Looking good for sleeping a bit more!
Busy times people, busy times. But still not too busy to snuggle my boy, love my man, cherish my memories, and smile on the world!