And yes, before anyone says anything, I know that 1lb weight loss is hardly anything in 3 days, but it's a significant start for me.
Part of me is sad today.
I know that the holidays are on their way over, because it's after Ru's birthday, and so I'm starting to get up at a proper time and do things that I have to do in the right time for a working week. Already the washing machine and dryer are on. I have to get a new tube for the strip light in the kitchen today, and then I could do other things early as well! I know it's partly so dark in there because apparently summer is over today and we are into thunderstorms. I like them.....
I also got a bargain yesterday - large chickens £2.50 each. If I'd have had the freezer space then I would have bought a lot more. Yesterday we had chicken breast, mashed potato and peas. I'm on a bit of a mission to see how far I can use these chickens, with them as the only major protein in a meal. Today, with the left over roast bird, I intend to strip the bird, and then use the cold meat for sandwiches, chicken and mushroom pie, (freezer) and chicken and bacon pasta sauce (freezer). I'll also roast the other bird, (Or see if I can fit it into my slow cooker) and then strip that one when it is cold, boil all the bones for stock and make soup for the freezer as well. I've got sausages for tea tonight, because I think J might get fed up with a diet of pure chicken! I might do chicken salad for tea though, and sausages tomorrow. Who knows!
The AC is still away, and was very excited last night to hear that J has got his 'A' certificate, which means he can now teach the AC to fly planes, and means that the AC has now inherited the Discovery. We've also decided to get the AC a new bike from the tax money, when he gets back, so he has the end of the summer to enjoy it. I need to get him fitted for a new helmet as well.
Later we're going up to the concert, and then just mooching about I think. I'll be cleaning through briefly before I do anything else though, and then that's another day of the holidays gone! Time to think about work really......
I've been thinking about starting a teaching blog, but I need to think about the anonymity aspects.
In much more serious mood, there's talk now that Red Four was killed by a bird strike, and that he could have ejected but chose to stay in the plane and keep it up as long as he could to miss the houses.
None of these RAF boys are just a monkey in a suit, as some would tell their children.