I can do all things.
Life trickinesses (and no, that's not a real word!) have been over come.
Sports day was excellent. The great thing about my job is that I get to see the AC in all his sports days. There are many great things, but that's one.
The children were noisy but excellent.
And things with J and I are back to lovely. We have a couple of things to work on, where we are just different in our reactions, where I am used to a certain kind of reaction meaning something, and he is used to the woman in his life reacting in a different way. For Rich, it gave us a chance to think, and was one way of us avoiding arguments and having time to discuss the issue instead, approaching it calmly. Shouting rows solve nothing. However, walking away for a few moments is something that J sees as flouncing off and sulking - the last thing on my mind.
It's made me think about how what we do is something that we understand, but can be seen in so many different ways by the people who we are in front of. How maybe the reaction I saw wasn't the one that they meant.