Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sleepy and contented

It's the end of the day here, and it's been gorgeous.

We haven't done anything amazing.
We went to town, I bought some fabric to try on the sewing machine, R got his hair cut in preparation for tomorrow, we sat joking in the hairdressers about life with the girl, we shared a couple of doughnuts on the way back to the car, went home, I made bacon sandwiches, and we chilled our way through the afternoon, via PC World for a couple of quotes I needed for work.

We went for a sleep in the afternoon ;-) and then had a tidy around and AC came home and we did his homework and he went to bed and then we played some WoW together after having discovered that there was nothing on TV and now it's bedtime.

Nothing exciting, nothing incredible, nothing even that interesting. Just lovely though. Just what we needed today. Several of the others are at Crown Tourney this weekend, so we weren't gaming, and it was nice to have time just to be us.

I was pottering around whilst AC was doing his homework at the table. R was doing things at the table, and they were chatting, helping with homework (and AC trying to help R with what he was doing.)

I'm sticking AC's homework on here because I'm very proud of him. He wrote this all by himself, when 6 months ago he wouldn't write. It's taken a lot of work to get him this far.

Tired now though. When R gets off the phone to the BG it's bedtime! She sounds happy and excited though, and that's what matters.

And he has.


N.B. Must remember to change clocks.

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