Friday, December 30, 2011

Normal yesterday, work today...

Photos from yesterday.....

I made bread. I nearly always make bread. I have a lovely breadmaker which does all the hard work. I was hoping to investigate recipes for bread this holidays, but no such luck!

Dishwasher of loveliness, which saves me so much time and effort, and whirrs away happily in my kitchen!

New shoes and odd socks.  Always odd socks.  Life is too short to match socks.

New shoes.  I have size 3 feet, (US5) and so it can be tricky to get shoes in the sale.  But these ones I did!  £15! Yay!

My duck feet.  they have to go inside my shoes to try and correct my hip displacement and so that should mean that my cartilage doesn't just tear again.  But I think it's on it's way. 

Last night Sher came round, and I made fajitas and for the first time, I made my own salsa! Hurrah!

This is what I want to play with today, thanks to the lovely J.

However, I'm having several of these.....

And facing this.  I hate being a responsible professional sometimes........

I don't know how the caption thing will work lol!

The Aloha Friday question is "Any blogging goals for 2012?"

The short answer is yes!
The long answer is that I need to blog, I need to get the words out of myself and onto paper.  I'm going to have the camera on me or near me as much as possible, because photo blogging could help me to focus.  I'm going to do meme's like Aloha Friday so that I carry on writing when I'm stuck, because I need the release that writing brings. (Ok, now I sound like a hippy!)  I might every try vlogging!

I just need to find some more meme's (one for each day, and suggestions would be cheerfully recieved) and the button for Aloha Friday.


Catherine L. said...

I have a list of blogging goals, but my top two are to write more personal post and to start vlogging.

CMash said...

My biggest goal is to learn WordPress as I am moving there from blogger as of 01/01. I'm like you, have to have at least one meme a day. My blog is about books and reading so not sure if that will help.

Amethystmoon said...

I so agree on the socks! I always tell people, if you're wearing pants, who's going to see them anyway? and, it saves time when folding clothes.

My goal is to get back to the roots of blogging. To find the passion again, and just consistently write.

MMAR said...

I want to get more organized : )

jennielee226 said...

I would like to get a new theme and start working on Networking.

I am Harriet said...

Just to keep on blogging.

Have a happy new year!

Colette S said...

Is that harddough bread?

I agree with the socks too.

I want a new blog design. I'm keeping it simple. One goal at a time :)

Smellyann said...

Lots of fun pictures and captions. I enjoyed them. :) Blogging goals... um, do it more. :) And comment more.

Stacy Uncorked said...

I love your mismatched socks! :)

My blogging goal for 2012 is to write more personal posts and do a few less meme's - but will continue with Aloha Friday and Random Tuesday Thoughts for sure! :)

Have a Happy New Year! :)

Toasting the New Year...or Making Toast

kailani said...

I have a bread maker that I've never used. I always say I'm going to make bread but it just doesn't happen. :-(

Anonymous said...

A new design would be nice. We'll see.