Friday, March 27, 2009


I am so sleepy today. Late night phone calls are wonderful, and I would never want R not to hear from BG, but oh my I'm tired!

(Well, maybe that had something to do with him coming to bed after the phonecall :-) )

Today is both a very simple and very important day. Hopefully AC will get his reading challenge. He was so pleased to tell R that he had got it and was Stage 7 now. He's really missed R the last couple of days. He's texted night night each night and I've nipped up to tell him when R has had chance to text back. At least this time we can do the same whilst R is away hopefully.

Today is such a milestone for us, and I'm so proud of him for making the step, and doing so calmly and gently, in the way that he does so many things. I was going to leave him a note in his lunchbox (soppy, but I do it every now and again!) but today is no lunches for any of us, but that's ok, I'll find a way ;-) I always do!

After all this rambing, it's time for a shower and dressed and so on. YAY!

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