Friday, March 19, 2010

Reversible genius!

I've been up since 5am.  I've cut more squares for the new quilt from the Worlds Most Hideous Fabric (pictures later).  I've found the clothes for the day, tho we're not dressed yet, and I've finished the AC's new bag that I made last week, but couldn't get the eyelets for until this week.  Photos were taken outside on a grey Norfolk early morning lol!

I present to you, the reversible drawstring bag!

Custom made, to the requirements of a very demanding client, this one of a kind creation features the Union flag material on one side, and the green camo on the other, making it fully reversible!

Finished with brass eyelets and black cord, and full of martial arts gear, it looks (tho I says it as shouldn't!) spiffing!

He loves it, which is great.

In other news, I've had an email from a different address from the She-Ex, which meant it didn't go into the folder like the others have done.  I opened all the ones from the lovely girl to the AC, although those have stopped after 2, which is the way of children, but I just don't feel the need to open myself to the hurt that is no doubt in the ones from her.  This one is called "please" so I expect it's something else that she wants.  It can wait for now.  I have material to cut out and a job to go to. (Currently in that order of importance lol!)

1 comment:

Autismland Penny said...

That is fantastic!!! Where do I put my order in for one???

Good job on the priorities!