Friday, April 3, 2009

Nearly 6am.

And no.

This isn't a lie in.

The AC has had another session (although that implies lengthyness) of bad belly. This time it was only 3 times, but 3 trips in 10 minutes to poo is quite a lot.

I phoned NHSDirect (I love, love, LOVE, Britains attitude to Healthcare - I can call a doctor whenever I need to.) and had a lovely chat with a nurse who agreed with me that there isn't a lot wrong with him, it's a bit perplexing, but see how he goes over the next few days.

So far it's been Monday evening,3-3.15pm, then 4.15-4.30pm, Thursday morning,6.45-7am and now this mornin. 4.45-5am.

I just don't know. *shrug* We'll see how it goes.

I'm not feeling like going to school though, although I'll go because that's my job and we have to do the things our job wants us to do lol.

He-Ex was moaning about having to go to the job centre the other day, but life is like that - he gave up 2 perfectly good jobs prematurely. In the current job market that's just daft.

Child needs me....

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