Saturday, April 11, 2009


Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.
Martin Luther

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. In fact, in about 39 minutes is the start of Easter Sunday. We have a 1030 service, which I'll go to, and the AC might, depending on how he feels - currently better than before, but not great.

We have eggs, for R to supply from the Oester Hare.
We have pancakes for lunch and chicken and bacon pasta for tea.
We have cuddles and snuggles galore to share.

In short, everything is good.

But when I read this quote, I had to post it.

Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.
Martin Luther

It is every leaf in springtime, it is every small baby, it is every sunrise, it is in every new moment in this world. And it is why R and I think that everything will be fine. It will all be fine. Our old lives have gone and R and I have been resurrected from the horror that they were before to the glory that they are now. We have been resurrected into whole human beings, complete in what we need to live and grow, able to take the decisions that were made for us by others and live with them, accepting those decisions although we will never, ever be able to enjoy them. How could we enjoy the fact that we can't see BG?

But we have to fight our way through the resentment that we feel for the selfishness that made that decision, and look at it anew, to rise through it and seek our own resurrection of forgiveness for the person who made that decision.

We have resurrected our lives from the shambles that the lies of our Ex's, the destruction of our trust, and obviously the BG's departure left us in. We have, and we will carry on doing so.

Easter Sunday is an important day for us. It reminds us of really getting to know each other, of bringing ourselves together, of resurrecting hopes, dreams and trust in another person, of the love of a relationship with another person.

1 comment:

Angharadz said...

Thank you for the Martin Luther quote - that amazing, vibrantly fresh green of the newly unfurled leaf - yep, grace-filled. I have some on my Easter table [since I can't do church today] for that very reason, but its grand to have someone word it so neatly.
Easter joy and blessings to you all
& huggs