Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sneaking time

I am going to be sneaking time from Other Things I Should Be Doing to do more quilt.

I am loving it. I have also kicked the behind of the credit card company, who have apologised for their error (HA! Tell ME I'm late paying them - I blooming well am not, it's a direct debit you idiots!).

SO far today I am in a much better mood, no tears, no maudlin thoughts, no nothing.

There's no answer from the She-Ex to anything, and there was an apology from the He-Ex for not looking at the bags properly. Anyone would think it was payday tomorrow or something lol!


I think I've done my first APP child. Maybe. I need to speak to the lit co-ord to see if I've done it properly lol.


A sewing I shall go!

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