Friday, November 20, 2009

Knock knock

Where was Thursday?  Thursday was A Long Day.

It was a good day though, made longer by Children in Need, made shorter by sleeping for a couple of hours from 8pm onwards, made longer by the child having bad dreams every hour and a half during the night.  But as I didn't get to sleep until about 1am, he only woke me 3 times, and the other times I was already awake for! Yay me! lol!

The work for today is prepped, which is good, and it's Children In Need day at school, which is less good, (oh bah humbug!) but is fun.  We won't get a lot of work done, but I will go to school in jeans and one of Rich's favourite red shirts.  He loved that shirt, and one of the first times we went out together as a couple, and spent the night together afterwards, he threw it to me in the morning when I needed the loo.  I put it on, and he said there was nothing sexier than me wearing his shirt in the morning.  I could see in his eyes how much he meant it, how much he appreciated my body.  The He-Ex had told me that my post baby body was not great, and certainly it sagged in places, but by this time, things were still loose in the skin department, but I hadn't let myself go to fat, in fact I'd lost some weight with the breakup from the He-Ex.  But I remember the adoring look in his eyes, when I returned from my necessary journey, bringing him coffee in bed, dressed in his shirt.  He said I was the perfect woman for him and that I made him happy.

He said it just the day before he died as well. 

He said it so many times in between.

That, dear Reader, is what I based my judgement of his happiness on, amongst other things.

The fact he told me.

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